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UT Institute of Agriculture University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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Campaign Update

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The Institute of Agriculture continues to make excellent progress in the University of Tennessee Campaign for Tennessee. Thanks to generous alumni and friends, as of October 31, the Institute had received over $72 million in gift commitments, placing it at 86% of its $85 million goal. This is the second highest percentage of goal achieved in the University of Tennessee system.  UT Extension, UT AgResearch, and the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and Veterinary Medicine have worked very hard to achieve this level of commitment. The campaign is at its midpoint and will be completed on December 31, 2011.

Buddy Mitchell, associate vice president for agricultural development and government relations, said "We are fortunate to have a very strong base of support from our alumni and friends.  However, over $150 million in needs have been identified in the Institute of Agriculture, and we are going to work very hard in the last half of this campaign to engage more of our supporters to maximize the potential impact on the Institute of Agriculture through the Campaign for Tennessee.” 

Three regional development councils were created in 2008 to engage Institute of Agriculture alumni in the three regions of Tennessee.  Rhodes Logan, Campaign Director for the Institute of Agriculture stated, “This is an exciting opportunity for the Institute to reach out to our alumni in East, Middle, and West Tennessee through a very supportive group of volunteers in each region of our State. We are utilizing the development councils to involve more of our alumni and friends in the vital programs and services provided by the Institute of Agriculture.” 

If you would like to make a charitable contribution to support one of the many vital programs of the Institute of Agriculture please contact Rhodes Logan, Campaign Director for the Institute of Agriculture at (865) 974-1928 or